Reading list

Despite having a sizeable reading list on Goodreads, I need another one. One that is active and represents a list from which I will actually pick books. I am unable to reduce my Goodreads list even though most books in it are not of immediate concern. Each book seems to be too important to discard.

๐Ÿ“š Reading right now

So, here’s my active list of books that I will actually read (and write about) in a few weeks!

  • Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Nick Bostrom – I am reading this book as it was referenced in Meditations on Moloch.
  • Kushiel’s Avatar, Jacqueline Carey – From the same article. I don’t read enough novels. I am trying to make an active effort to read more.
  • Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives, Elizabeth Anderson – I read her The Imperative of Integration; on which I shall write soon. She was so clear about her argument in The Imperative that I didn’t have to read the entire book. I like authors that don’t waste people’s time, so I will try this one too. My motivation behind reading Private Government is that now that I am a full-time corporate worker for the very first time, I am more sensitive about my economic function as a human being. It is very important to understand whether am I an economic slave or a value-producing human being.